Last Weekend to see the Bill Minor Miniatures Now on Display

Most of us are content to buy vehicles and toys already manufactured, but Bill Minor’s passion was to make these items.

Some of these cars were made for his granddaughter, Mindy Minor. All of the vehicles are totally functional as Bill went to great lengths to make them usable.

Bill’s daughter remembers when, growing up as a child, Bill would be working on a project in the garage and come into the house looking for a particular shape; dish pans, toys – any object was fair game. Larry Newberry remembers wandering through junkyards with Bill where he would buy all kinds of small metal objects. Larry would ask Bill what he was going to do with all the metal objects, and Bill would smile and say, “I’m going to make a car.”

This exhibit features a miniature Ford T-Bucket, a miniature Circle Track Race Car, a miniature American Austin and a small pickup.

Get a close up look at the details and craftsmanship shown in these mini cars that will be on display until May 16, 2011.