Crosley Farm•O•Road- 1951


The Farm•O•Road was in keeping with Crosley’s philosophy of offering minimum cost vehicles. It has a wheelbase of only 63 inches and an overall length of 91.5 inches. Crosley aimed the 1,000-pound vehicle at the small farmer, who could not afford both a car and a tractor. The Farm•O•Road was advertised as a vehicle that not only would do the work of a tractor but could be used on the highway for pleasure driving. Crosley even offered accessories like plows, cultivators and harrows. The front end resembled a military jeep. While it only weighed 1100 pounds, it had power enough to pull a 10 inch plow through tough soil. This was accomplished by the 26.5 hp engine and special gear equipment which provided six speeds forward and two in reverse. Crosley ceased car production in 1952.