Messerschmitt KR200- 1957


The Messerschmitt was one of the first and among the most successful of the many microcars that hit the motoring scene in the 1950s. Although it bears the name of the famous aircraft builder–Willy Messerschmitt–he had little to do with the car’s design. Fritz Fend designed the car, and it was built at Messerschmitt’s factory which was restricted from building airplanes after World War II. This car appealed to motorcyclists who wanted more weatherproof transportation and to customers who found it cost half the price of a Volkswagen. The monocoque tub forms the lower part of the body. The sheet metal upper body is topped with a canopy hinged at the side which opens to allow the driver and the passengers to enter. Notice the handlebar steering wheel and the “Augsburg eagle” symbol on the nose.

This particular example’s original engine has been replaced with a Honda CH 125cc engine.