Mochet CM 125Y-1956

Charles Mochet was France’s best known maker of pedal cars as a practical means of transportation for adults.  He made these from 1927 until well into World War II. It was not until after the war that Mochet moved away from pedals.  The CM-125Y was offered with a new modern steel body with proper doors, fixed side window frames, and a fabric roof that folded back.  The letter “Y” in the name stood for Ydral engine.  Early models came with pull start but later an electric starter was offered.  With a 125cc engine, now driver’s license was needed.  A 175cc model was offered for those with licenses.  At his peak in the early 1950s Mochet was making 40 cars a month, but when French legislation changed in 1958 dropping the engine size to drive without a license to 50cc, the customer base for the long-lived 125cc Mochets decreased drastically.  By 1958, Mochet ended car production but continued making bicycles with reclining seats for many years.
Manufacturer:  Charles Mochet
Country of Origin:  France
Drivetrain Configuration:  Rear engine, rear wheel drive
Engine:  125cc, 1 cylinder Ydral, 2-stroke, 5 hp
Transmission:  3 speed with reverse
Top Speed:  30 mph
Years of Production:  1954-1958
Number Produced:  3,000
Original Cost:  Unknown