Peel Trident- 1965

Peel Engineering holds a unique place in automotive history for producing the world’s smallest car (P-50) and the world’s smallest 2-seater car (the Trident). The Peel Trident was an evolution of the P-50. It was made slightly larger to accommodate two modest-size adults. The Peel Trident is not very roomy, and when two people sit in it, they are shoulder to shoulder. To save money, Peel Engineering used the same 50cc drivetrain in both the P-50 and the Trident. The bubble glass top which ratchets upward to allow entry works great from an ergonomic viewpoint; it works very poorly for ventilation, as on a sunny day, the car becomes an oven. With the Peel Trident weighing a minuscule 330 pounds, it is quite possible to double the weight of the car when two occupants climb inside.
Gas Tank Capacity: 2.5 gal.
Weight: 330 lbs.
Length: 6.08 ft.
Width: 3.25 ft.
Area (footprint): 19.77 sq. ft.
Number of cars that equal the length of a football field: 49
Number of cars that will fit in a 2-car garage: 31