LARC-LX- 1959


An example of the U.S. military’s largest amphibious craft, the LARC-LX (lighter, amphibious, resupply, cargo) came in three sizes, ranging in size from 5 ton (LARC v) to the LX, capable of transporting 60 tons from ocean to inland, across heavy seas and up inclines as steep as 60 degrees. It remains the only amphibian in the current inventory able to enter and exit the shore through breaking surf. Outfitted with 4 Detroit Diesel engines, twin props, and four wheel drive with two or four wheel steering, the LARC-LX could go just about anywhere and carry whatever could fit in its cavernous cargo bay. The only real limitation was its immense size – length is over 62′, width is 26′, and height is almost 20′! The tires are 9′ high. With a 75′ turning radius, the LARC is surprisingly agile, and this particular example was driven here in January 2005 from the Port of Nashville.


Manufacturer: Several different shipyards for the U.S. Army
Country of Origin: United States
Drivetrain Configuration: 4 separate engines driving each wheel
Engine: 4 Detroit Diesel NA6-71, 165 HP
Propulsion: 2 48″ propellers in water, 4 9‘ (48 ply) tires on land
Transmission: 3 speed automatic
Top Speed: 16 miles per hour (land) and 7 knots (water)
Fuel Capacity: 600 Gallons
Fuel Consumption: 25 gallons per hour empty; 35 GPH loaded
Draft: 7’6″ empty; 8’8″ loaded
Weight: 194,000 pounds empty
Load capacity/Displacement: 60 tons (rated); 100+ tons in calm seas/level ground. 2,800 Cubic feet to deck level
Years of Production: Vietnam War era
Number Produced: 60 to 100