

Dymaxion (replica)- 1933

Buckminster Fuller had a long and productive career. He was a visionary that worked in many fields, from the environment to architecture. The Dymaxion, which is an acronym for DYnamic MAXimum TensION, was his most famous automotive project. In 1933, Fuller convinced socialite and friend Anna Biddle to fund the building of the Dymaxion. Progress […]

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MG TC Midget- 1948

MG, or Morris Garages, began automobile production in 1928, but the debut of the T-Series in 1936 firmly established MG as a sports car company. The MG TC hit the market immediately after the war, following on the success of the pre-war MG TA and TB. Outwardly similar to the TB with a folding windshield,

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Solex VeloSolex 45-1951

In 1940, Marcel Mennesson had a prototype built for a bicycle equipped with a motor on the front wheel. The 38cc engine was outfitted with a roller transmission, carburetor and tank, and mounted on the front 700-millimetre wheel. Due to the events of World War II, however, the Model 45 didn’t debut until 1946. Unlike

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Honda CB 450-1965

This Honda CB 450 “Black Bomber” is widely considered one of the most important motorcycles ever to come out of Japan. The first of the “big Hondas”, the CB450 was the world’s first production dual-overhead cam bike. Paired with unusual torsion valve springs and other refinements, it was a technological tour de force that the

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Peugeot 205 GTi 1.6-1986

In the late 1970s, Peugeot was known as a manufacturer of large, relatively luxurious sedans, but the company was floundering in the global market. Their takeover of both Simca-Talbot and Rootes Group in 1978 infused the company with a new vitality and excellent small car platforms upon which to build. The 205 is often heralded

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