Family Fun Day- Saturday June 5th


Ongoing from 11:00am-3:00pm:
Games! Pick up a game sheet in the lobby
and turn it in completed for a prize!*


11:00 AM: Rides in a 1956 Zündapp Janus 250**- Sign up in Lobby
11:30 AM: Demonstrations of our 1919 Leyat Helico propeller- driven car, our 1945 Mochet Velocar and an explanation of our Fiat model – Exhibit Area
12:00 PM: This demonstration will compare our 1967 Velosolex Z3800 gas powered moped and it’s newer & greener version, the 2008 electric powered Solex.- Exhibit Area
12:30 PM: Rides in a 1956 Zündapp Janus 250**- Sign up in Lobby
1:00 PM: Demonstrations of our 1919 Leyat Helico propeller- driven car, our 1945 Mochet Velocar and an explanation of our Fiat model – Exhibit Area
1:30 PM: Rides in a 1956 Zündapp Janus 250**- Sign up in Lobby
2:30 PM: Demonstrations of our 1919 Leyat Helico propeller- driven car, our 1945 Mochet Velocar and an explanation of our Fiat model – Exhibit Area
3:00 PM: Rides in a 1956 Zündapp Janus 250**- Sign up in Lobby