Vroom…Start Your Engines- March 19th

Experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the engine as Lane Motor Museum presents Vroom…Start Your Engines! On Saturday, March 19, 2011 from 11am-4pm Lane Motor Museum staff will demonstrate the engines of six unique cars that will be started in groups throughout the day. In addition, basement tours* will be offered in which guests will be able to view cars currently not on the exhibit hall floor.


11:00 am Tour of Our Basement Collection (Limit 35 people)

11:45 am Demonstration of the 1939 Crosley Transferable, 1896 Ford Quadricycle (replica), and the 1936 Maytag Stationary Engine.

1:00 pm Tour of Our Basement Collection (Limit 35 people)

1:45 pm Demonstration of the 1925 Tatra T-11 Targa Florio, 1950 Tatra 607 Monoposto (replica) and the 1942 Tatra Aeroluge (replica).

2:00 pm Tour of Our Basement Collection (Limit 35 people)

2:45 pm Demonstration of the 1939 Crosley Transferable, 1896 Ford Quadricycle (replica), and the 1936 Maytag Stationary Engine.

3:00 pm Tour of Our Basement Collection (Limit 35 people)

3:45 pm Demonstration of the 1925 Tatra T-11 Targa Florio, 1950 Tatra 607 Monoposto (replica) and the 1942 Tatra Aeroluge (replica).

*Basement Tours are available first come, first served.

Please sign up in the museum lobby.
Demonstration vehicles are subject to change.