
Please note that the cars or exhibit items shown in this database are part of our collection but may not be on display when you visit.

Schwinn Whizzer Model WZ-1948

Whizzer motor kits were introduced by Breene-Taylor Engineering Corporation, a Los Angeles maker of aircraft parts, in 1939. The kit sold for $54.95 and included an air-cooled, four-cycle engine...

Scootacar MK I-1959

It may seem hard to believe, but the manufacturer of the Scootacar also produced railroad locomotives.  The Scootacar was developed in 1957 by the Hunslet Engine Works of Leeds,...

Scootacar MKII De-Luxe- 1964

It may seem hard to believe, but the manufacturer of the Scootacar also produced railroad locomotives. The Scootacar was developed in 1957 by the Hunslet Engine Works of Leeds,...

SEAB Flipper I- 1978

SEAB (Societe d’Exploitation et d’Application des Brevet) was perhaps best-known as the manufacturer of the plastic bodies used on Citroën’s Mehari, but they later became a manufacturer of vehicules...

Sears (Puch) Compact DS60 Scooter- 1966

Long before internet shopping there was the Sears Roebuck & Co. catalogue. Started as R.W. Sears Watch Co., the mail-order firm offered watches and jewelry in the late 19th...

Sears Saber 50 (Puch)-1966

  Johann Puch & Company of Austria was focused on the manufacture of motorcycles for the first half of the twentieth century.  Post-war Europe needed small, economical transportation, and...

Shell Gas Mileage Car- 1985

The number of vehicles on our world’s roads are expected to triple by 2050. This will require some new thinking and innovation with a variety of fuels and technology...

Shirdlu BMW H-Mod Racer- 1962

The car seen here is one-of-one; it was designed, built, and raced by Frazier Sibbald, George Olsen, and Howard Bliss, all of California. Sibbald was the racer, Olsen the...

Sima-Violet Cyclecar- 1924

This company began under the name “Sicam” in 1912 and produced a small cyclecar. In the early 1920s they began making 98cc engines for attaching to bicycles. By 1924,...

Simca Aronde Plein Ciel-1961

In 1958 Simca updated the Aronde and made the body more modern-looking.  The model here is called the Plein Ciel, which means “full sky”, because of the generous amount...

Simca Weekend Prototype- 1954

The origins of Simca date back to 1922 when Teodoro Enrico Pigozzi was sent to France to buy scrap metal for the FIAT works. Instead, he settled in France,...

Sinclair C5- 1985

The Sinclair C5 is a 3-wheeled battery operated vehicle created by Sir Clive Sinclair- inventor of the first slim-line pocket calculator, the first digital watch, and numerous personal computers....

Sir Vival- 1958

‘Sir Vival’ is one of America’s earliest safety cars. During a time when concern was growing over the safety of the automobile in America, numerous individuals began building concept...

Ski-Craft- 1964

This little 6 ½’ long ski-tug was produced in Hamburg, Germany for the leisure market in Europe and the US, and was quite popular before the popularity of more...

Skoda 1101- 1948

By 1919, the Skoda Company had its own automobile department and began building cars under license. In 1925, they produced their first cars under the Skoda name. The two...


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