
Please note that the cars or exhibit items shown in this database are part of our collection but may not be on display when you visit.

Solex Micron- 1968

Solex released the Micron, its most diminutive model, at the end of 1967. Powered by the engine from the larger 3800 model, the Micron represents a bit of a...

Solex Pli-Solex 5000- 1974

The Pli-Solex is the folding version of the Solex 5000. The frame folds in the center, and the handlebars, seat, and engine may be removed to allow for easier...

Solex Tenor- 1973

Building on the previous model’s architecture, the Tenor was a Solex 6000 featuring an Italian-made Franco Morini “Gyromat” engine and was available in various trim levels. The example seen...

Solex VeloSolex 45-1951

In 1940, Marcel Mennesson had a prototype built for a bicycle equipped with a motor on the front wheel. The 38cc engine was outfitted with a roller transmission, carburetor...

Specialized Stumpjumper-1982

This design was the first mass-produced mountain bike. It came with a lugged-steel frame, knobby 26-inch tires, powerful cantilever brakes, “bull moose” handlebars, a “biplane” front fork, and a...

Steyr 220 Gläser Cabriolet- 1938

Austrian armaments manufacturer Steyr diversified into automobile production in 1915 and introduced the streamlined 120, the predecessor of this model, in 1935. The six-cylinder, 1385cc side-valve engine was replaced...

Steyr 50 Baby- 1938

The history of Steyr dates back to 1820 with the manufacturing of sporting and military rifles. The concentric circle of the Steyr badge represents a target. The terms of...

Steyr Puch Haflinger- 1968

The history of Steyr dates back to 1820 and the manufacturing of sporting and military rifles. Hence, the concentric circle of the Steyr badge represents a target. The terms...

Steyr Puch Pinzgauer- 1974

The Haflinger was replaced by the larger Pinzgauer. It came in 6×6 or 4×4 forms–which you see here. The ground clearance is 13 inches when loaded. It will carry...

Stickney Hit and Miss Engine- 1910

Stickney Hit-and-Miss engines were made from 1903-1914 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Total production was 23,853 in those 11 years. Engine size ranged from 1 3/4hp- 20hp.

Subaru 360 (peanut)-1969

Mort Smit was a Subaru 360 enthusiast that built this special car he called “Peanut”.  Mort retired and converted an old Greyhound bus into a motor home to travel...

Subaru 360 FasTrack II- 1971

Hardware store tycoon and automotive entrepreneur Malcolm Bricklin became the first to import Subarus to the US when he founded Subaru America in 1968. Although the brand was popular...

Subaru 360 Sedan- 1970

Fuji, one of Japan’s industrial giants, began to make Rabbit motor scooters in 1956. (Be sure to look for one in the motorcycle wing.) Two years later they launched...

Subaru 360 Van- 1970

The name “Subaru” is Japanese for the Pleiades which are the six stars in the Taurus constellation. The six stars of the Subaru logo represent the six companies which...

Subaru Sambar Pickup- 1970

In 1966, Subaru introduced Japan’s first kei-class truck, a variation of the second generation Sambar Van. The two passenger truck came equipped with a low truck deck (just under...

Surlesmobile- 1945

As a lieutenant in the Army Air Forces, Texas native Don Surles had an innovative idea. It stemmed from his thoughts on why someone hadn’t designed a more practical...


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