Thank you for your interest in becoming a Lane Motor Museum volunteer! Volunteers help maintain the excellent reputation Lane Motor Museum has earned. We are most definitely a better place with your help!

Volunteer Mission Statement The mission of the Lane Motor Museum Volunteer Program is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities which enhance and serve the mission, services, programs, and activities of the museum.


Volunteer Requirements Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. All volunteers must pass a background check. All volunteers must go through orientation.

Duties Performed Mostly, our volunteers are assigned to assist the staff and guests on the exhibit floor and during Vault Tours. Example assignments may include:

  • Interacting with museum guests
  • Answering guest questions
  • “Caboosing” Vault Tours: follow behind the Vault Tour groups and help guests stay together and inside the yellow lines.
  • Safeguarding exhibited items
  • Dusting collection items

Typical Shift  

Weekends and Special Events: 10 am – 1:30 pm, and/or 1:30 to 5 pm

Weekdays: Monday, Thursday, & Friday. Although we are not typically as busy during the week, if you have the time and would like to come in, we’d love to have you!

Volunteer Benefits

  • All Active Volunteers receive 10% off gift shop purchases!
  •  After 12 hours: 1 year Member/Guest* Membership. Existing members will receive membership upgrades/ or extensions.
  •  After 12 hours: Access to the museum library.
  •  After 36 hours: Invitation to Volunteer Appreciation Events
  • After 36 hours you may receive an Invitation to become a docent
  •  After 75 hours: After an extensive vetting process, you may be asked to drive collection items to various events!

Sign Up to Volunteer Today!

Questions? Contact Rex Bennett at (615) 742-7445 or bennett@lanemotormuseum.org